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Fernando Alonso


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Finalmente tolto lo zero in casella ...

Ora confidiamo nei giapu ...

Alla prossima


lui - il famoso pilota asquadra ( alfa privativo, s'intende :asd: ) - ci spera... ancora :D


"I'm not happy, but it's the first point of many, I hope," said Alonso.

"It's not party time yet because it's only one point but it's definitely good for the team and the morale of everyone after a few tough months.

"It's one point. It's not the best result and it's not what we want.

"It's just good for the team especially - the point is more for them and to thank them for the job of these months.

"The team have been working day and night to keep improving the car, so it's a point on the table for the mechanics."

Alonso said the result was a sign of progress for McLaren after a few tough races since Button's Monaco result.

"We know there is no magic solution race by race but slowly we are getting there," he said.

"We know we are improving, we are getting better and better.

"When you get some points like Jenson did in Monaco and today for me, this is the proof we are going in the right direction.

"But we need much more, and I hope we keep improving for Hungary [the next race]."

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Soltanto ho visto una rimonta del genere più facile, quella di Raikkonen nel 2005 a Giappone, approffitando le soste e la astronave a disposizione


i piloti molto simili, fisichelle tutto sommato





( :asd:)

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