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Lewis Hamilton


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"I knew that we'd made a change [before Singapore] but I didn't really think it was going to make a huge difference," he said.

"But already, from Suzuka the car was already tricker from then on.

"You just keep pushing and pushing and hoping for better, but it had already lost the advantage at Suzuka and then from then on.

"[Mercedes engineers] said that they don't believe they made the car particularly slower. It definitely isn't faster.

"I can't go back to where we were before, because they don't want to go back to where it was before."

Having claimed only one pole position from the first 13 grands prix of the season, Rosberg has claimed pole for the final six races of the season since the change.

"We know what's changed on the car, but I just tried to figure out why I couldn't seem to get a comfortable balance," Hamilton added.

"If you look at all before Singapore, there was in the region of a three to six-tenths gap between myself and Nico in qualifying, apart from Barcelona.

"And then since then a lot of time has been lost, so whilst it looks like one side has gone a lot better, it's actually - from my point of view - quite the opposite because we've gone worse."

Hamilton revealed that in his quest to solve the problem, he has dropped a suspension component for this weekend's finale, a decision he now regrets.

"It's worth just over a tenth, a-tenth-and-a-half," he said.

"It's something I wasn't really thinking was working for me, so I took it off.

"I tried something different and it didn't work.

"Today I was off quite a bit, so I was anticipating that I do have that slight loss in car performance.

"I tried to get around that loss and tried to claw it back in some other ways of doing the set-up, so it was about exploring this weekend, and we did it the best we could, with that exploring."

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"Hamilton parla come se stesse perdendo il titolo (che in realtà ha già vinto da tre gare!), non accetta di stare dietro al suo compagno nemmeno in questi ultimi gran premi in cui potrebbe tirare i remi in barca e pensare alle vacanze e alla prossima stagione agonistica. Ma è del resto la sua fame di vittorie a renderlo un fuoriclasse, anche quando queste sono inutili ai fini della classifica. Per questo forse i mondiali li vince lui e non Rosberg, che al contrario, da quando ha perso matematicamente il campionato, sembra non sentirsi più nessuna pressione addosso e riuscire finalmente a correre al meglio delle sue possibilità. Inoltre, da sei gp Nico è tornato a dominare letteralmente le qualifiche come gli capitava sovente lo scorso anno. Diverso il discorso per Lewis, che raggiunto il traguardo del terzo alloro iridato si sente ancor più sotto pressione... una situazione per certi versi paradossale ma che fa onore ad Hamilton, uno di quelli che ci tiene a vincere ogni gara come ogni qualifica e dalle sue parole sembra davvero che dopo Austin stia già gareggiando per il 2016. Tuttavia, solo quando avrà imparato a riconoscere le proprie sconfitte senza inventarsi scuse poco plausibili (vedi le dichiarazioni post-gara di Interlagos due settimane fa) sarà finalmente un fuoriclasse maturo!"

Modificato da Krusty
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Press: "Lewis and Nico, which of you feels more positive going into next season?"

Nico (immediately): "I'm more happy. These three wins in a row are a good way to head into next season."

Lewis: "I think three world championships sound a lot better than three wins in a row" Emoticon tongue


Press conference: "Lewis and Nico, will you both give Christmas presents to each other this year."

Nico: "I think I will give him a Christmas card" Emoticon confused_rev

Lewis: "We never really give each other either anyway - so I don't see why that should change." 

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10 ore fa, Krusty ha scritto:




Press: "Lewis and Nico, which of you feels more positive going into next season?"

Nico (immediately): "I'm more happy. These three wins in a row are a good way to head into next season."

Lewis: "I think three world championships sound a lot better than three wins in a row" Emoticon tongue

Secondo me sta rischiando con queste dichiarazioni: se la Mercedes decide di far capire che è la macchina a vincere e non il pilota, rischia di non vincere più

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