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Lewis Hamilton


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Vale anche per Hamilton, no? :asd:


Gio, mica devi sentirti punto sul vivo perchè hai pubblicato 'ste foto. Mi riferisco alle tante accuse di tamarraggine/truzzaggine, al fatto che frequenta i rapper, che si veste come loro eccetera eccetera eccetera. Si può non amare quello stile ma evidentemente il buon Lewis lo sente suo, perchè "accanirsi" tanto? Vivi e lascia vivere, per l'appunto. Pace. :)

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Hamilton had the option to put the #1 on his Mercedes this year, after winning his second world title in 2014, but the Brit has opted to stick with #44.

"Everyone can get #1 when they win the championship, but it's irrelevant for me," Hamilton explained.

"#44 means more to me than #1. It doesn't mean I'm not number one. #44 is my family number, it's the number I had when I first started racing; I won my first championship with #44. It means something to me.

"The #1 itself, Vettel's had it, Schumacher's had it, all of the champions have had it, but no one's had #44."

Hamilton added that he sported #1 on his 2009 McLaren, after winning his first world title, but said: "It didn't look very good on the car; #44 looks better."

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