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18. Gran Premio degli Stati Uniti - Austin [Qualifiche]


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Ma dove le stai sentendo 'ste idiozie? :asd:

l'ha lasciato anche in una dichiarazione,se non sbaglio.

"On Tuesday morning they called me. I think everything was right. The team took the time to decide and said that it was not an easy decision. I think it was perfect timing; already the plan was for me to come here with the team so there was no need to tell me before or change anything, it was fine. The team decided with Kovalainen and the story is also paying off so I think they decided well. We will have to see it after the weekend but considering how it is going well so far I think it was a good choice. Also, with me, I am not thinking that I was so far behind. If you consider the gap that there is between Grosjean and Kovalainen … maybe [i could match it], but we don't have the proof. What we know is that the story is working out really well for us, so at this time the decision is well done." 

Io ho letto solo questo,la parte di essere il 23° pilota più forte non so 

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Sinceramente mi sfugge qualcosa.... 

Mi pare che nessuno abbia messo in dubbio tale netta superiorità . Non capisco proprio il senso di questa ironia...

Che i tifosi di Vettel la prendono come un'offesa personale quell'affermazione, quindi ho preso l'abitudine di evitarla. :asd:


Sul "nessuno" ho i miei dubbi..

Modificato da Nameless Hero
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