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IndyCar 2015 - Round 06 500 Miglia di Indianapolis [Ovale-Triple Crown]

Andrea Gardenal

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A giudicare da quanto è andato dritto può essere entrambe le cose. O lo sterzo o la sospensione anteriore destra (la sinistra mi pare ok).


Mi ricorda tremendamente un incidente che ben tutti conosciamo, per lo scarto e l'angolo.


Dall'onboard si vede proprio che c'è un problema sull'anteriore destra...

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3:45 ET: IndyCar says practice will resume from 4:15-5 p.m.

3:30 ET: Hinchcliffe is in surgery, and the items in need of repair have varied based on the source. A thigh injury has been reported, and a possible pelvis injury has also been mentioned.

RACER has confirmed the source of Hinchcliffe's crash was a failure of the right-front suspension rocker arm, which split, and not the pushrod itself. The rocker arm connects the suspension pushrod to the damper.

3:15 ET UPDATE: At the moment, it's believed Dallara is inspecting every IndyCar team's suspension and that's why practice is on hold.

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