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1912 - Indy 500 (Indianapolis)


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Le 16/02/2022 à 20:22, rephil a dit :

Its not finish!

After the Indy 500 I will post the reports for the other races of the 1912 AAA national championship. I think it's not useful to create an other topic.

I made a mistake speaking of a national championship in 1912 because there were no championship this year. Motor age magazine made his own classification for several years. The late John Glenn Printz explained the revisionist problem in the Nostalgia forum.

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Yes, we debated the same problem in another topic of this forum according to what, in terms of info, I was able to gather many years ago. Now I became aware that I tried to summarize them all almost five years ago. How fast time flies! There was also Nostalgia forum among the sites from which I deduced all those news, essays, data etc because, long time ago, it appeared the only trusthworthy source on the internet. I suggest you to check as well what Donald Capps published inside the site, with regard to Catlin, Means and the sanctions granted by the Contest board of AAA. :)

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