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Commenti profilo inviate da leopnd

  1. Anger can be power if we know that we can use it...

  2. ...a peace together, a piece apart, a piece of wisdom, from our hearts...

  3. No progress ever came from war – only a false sense of increase

  4. The idiots are taking over...

  5. There’s people out there that say I’m no good, because I don’t believe in things that I should...

  6. Do you know where the power lies? I say it starts and ends with you...

  7. Change your ways before your ways change you with a hole in your head that you can't see through...

  8. At the shrine of friendship never say die, let the wine of friendship never run dry...

  9. We know the truth, but prefer the lies. Lies are simple. Simple is bliss.

  10. What you eat or drink doesn’t matter to me. It’s about respect, equality...

  11. Peripherally blind, intellectually numb, ignorance by choice?

  12. Go to hell with Superman and die like a champion


  14. Jesus was a communist!

  15. What about me? Who defends my liberties?

  16. I think sex films are okay, I don't dig that pope, no way...

  17. They can lie to my face, but not to my heart, if we all stand together, it will just be the start

  18. ...I know, it's an unusual mix, punk and pancakes, but it works for me...

  19. La vita è come una partita di cricket. Come cazzo si gioca a cricket?

  20. Ti odio e poi ti amo e poi ti odio e poi ti amo e poi la neuro...

  21. ...non voglio ridurmi a stare seduto su una scala a pensare che tutto forse potrà cambiare...

  22. "I'm like a Sid Vicious for a new generation" - Avril Lavigne...... No, you're not!

  23. Fischia il vento e infuria la bufera, scarpe rotte e pur bisogna andar, a conquistare la rossa primavera, dove sorge il sol dell'avvenir...

  24.'re not a punk my friend...

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